Can a Mississauga Immigration Lawyer Get Someone Back Into the Country After They’ve Been Ordered to Leave?

There are a number of reasons why the Canadian government might ask a non-citizen to leave the country. These reasons can range in severity, from having been accused of a major crime, to simply having incorrectly filed paperwork. Whatever the reason, if you or someone you know has been sent out of the country, your Mississauga immigration lawyer can help them try to get back.

The ‘Authorization to Return to Canada’ Application (ARC)

Regardless of the reason for which “Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada” (IRCC) removed you from the country, you have the right to file an ‘Authorization to Return to Canada’ (ARC). The length of the re-application process can vary greatly from case to case, and largely depend upon the circumstances in which you were removed from the country in the first place. In most cases, the process follows these steps:

File the Application

There is an application package that we can help you to assemble, which includes a number of items, including a written letter (written in English or French, and typed or hand-written in block letters) explaining why you feel you should be re-admitted to the country. You will also need to file standard citizenship documentation, including copies of your foreign passport, recent photographs, and a processing fee.

If you failed to leave the country after 30 days of your departure notice, and had to be deported, you will also need to explain why you did not leave the country when ordered.

Pay Outstanding Costs of Deportation

When your application has been reviewed, you will be informed if there are any costs associated with your original removal from Canada that must be re-paid, such as transportation costs and other fees. Your application will not be considered while these fees are outstanding.

Additional Interviews and/or Documentation

If the IRCC office deems it necessary, they might request additional documentation or an interview. Again, precisely what they require (and if they require anything at all) will depend upon the circumstances of your departure, and may include documentation corroborating claims and statements made in your written letter.


When all documentation is gathered and all outstanding fees are paid, the IRCC will notify you in writing about the final decision in your case.

If you or someone you know has been removed from the country, an experienced Mississauga Immigration Lawyer may be their best chance to get back in.

To schedule an appointment with our immigration lawyers, call us now. If you have any questions about immigration law, or any other type of law, please feel free to submit a question through our Ask A Lawyer.

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